Winntsetup x86
Winntsetup x86

winntsetup x86

Should you need this information, it’s here for reference. So the purpose of this blog is really for informational purposes above anything else and to detail the most common Active Setup components containing Stubpaths, by OS. This could have undesirable results as mentioned in the RES Blog post here and Andrew Morgan’s Blog post here. The drawback of just merging these keys will be that the command line (Stubpath) will not run for any user. for new users logging on for the first time (for a great explanation of Active Setup, check out Helge Klein’s write up here). Behind some Active Setup Components there is a command line (Stubpath) that needs to run once per user i.e. While you can merge these Active Setup Keys to stop the message box appearing this isn’t actually where the story ends. We have covered how to do this in a previous post here by using our great free tool the Virtual Engine Profile Update Utility (PuU).

winntsetup x86

One of the key elements to creating a slick mandatory profile is to ensure the Active Setup keys are added to the mandatory profile or you will forever see the annoying “Personaliz(s)ing Settings” message. I spend a lot time working with mandatory profiles and RES Workspace Manager, especially when using Citrix XenApp or Remote Desktop Services.

Winntsetup x86